Sunday 17 February 2013

Type 97 Light Machine Gun

Type 97 Light Machine Gun

 Type 97 Light Machine Gun
 Type 97 Light Machine Gun
 Type 97 Light Machine Gun
 Type 97 Light Machine Gun Ammo
 Type 97 Light Machine Gun
 Type 97 Light Machine Gun
 Type 97 Light Machine Gun
 Type 97 Light Machine Gun
Type 97 Light Machine Gun

Initially, the Type 11 Light Machine Gun was modified by the Army Technical Bureau for use in tanks and other armored vehicles, and was produced for this application under the designation “Type 92 Mobile Machine Gun”. However, the basic design issues with the Type 11 remained, including its tendency to jam because of the slightest amount of grit or dirt, and the low lethality and lack of stopping power of its 6.5x50mm Arisaka cartridges.
During the early stages of the Second Sino-Japanese War, Japanese forces captured a number of Czech ZB vz/26 light machine guns from China’s National Revolutionary Army; its numerous design advantages led to the development of the Type 97. This was used in a modified form for armored vehicles until 1940, when the Japanese Army switched to a rimless 7.7 mm cartridge.
The Type 97 was mechanically similar to the Czech ZB vz. 26, with a different stock and pistol grip. It had a straight, vertical, 20-round box magazine and used the same 7.7 mm cartridges used in the Type 99 rifle. The light gun barrel could easily overheat, which meant the gunner had to fire in bursts, or the barrel would be shot out.
When fitted in a tank, a fixed focus 1.5x telescopic sight with a 30° field of view was used. To prevent injury to the gunner, a rubber eye pad was attached to the rear of the sight.
When used as an infantry weapon, a bipod was employed. Without the bipod, it weighed 11.25 kg (24.8 lb)
The Type 97 came into service in 1937, and was used on all Japanese tanks and other armored vehicles until the end of the war. It was much less common as a stand-alone infantry gun due to its weight. The Imperial Japanese Navy also used the weapon in their combat vehicles such as the Type 92 Jyu-Sokosha Heavy Armored Car (tankette)

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