Saturday 5 January 2013


  Breda_M37 Ammo
  Breda_M37 Ammo
 Breda_M37 Ammo

This machine gun is not dissimilar to the French Hotchkiss, with the exception of the thumb trigger, like the British Vickers. From the following report, prepared at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, it appears to be an excellent gun.

The gun is gas-operated, air-cooled and has a quick-change barrel. The cartridges are fed from plate chargers holding 20 rounds, each round being housed in a separate compartment (see sketch). After firing, the empty cases, instead of being ejected, are replaced in the compartment of the plate charger.

The gun uses ammunition very similar to our own with the exception of the case which is shorter and the caliber which is .015 of an inch larger. It is made in ball, tracer, and incendiary tracer armorpiercing. The German 7.92-mm ammunition can also be used.

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